Code completion support in CVS?

Victor Röder Victor_Roeder at
Wed Jan 2 16:26:03 UTC 2002


A happy and gideonly new year! ;-)

> > I downloaded curent Gideon CVS and KDE3.0 CVS in order to
> > try out code completion, but unfortunately it seems that Kwrite
> > part doesn't compile... is there any other editor part that supports
> > code completion? Any plan to fix the KWrite part?

How does the error look like? Although I'm asking for the problem, I will
not be able to fix it before monday :-(. I'm at home at the moment :-).

> The kate part supports the code completion interfaces of ktexteditor (a
> copy 
> of the implementation in kdevelop HEAD) and the kate part works (no idea
> if 
> codecompletion really works, never tested).
> but ..... nobody has integrated it into gideon or ?

Code completion in Gideon does not work yet (okay it does but very^10 ugly),
but there is some development that tries to change this misery.
The *only* editor part that does support code completion is a old version of
a modified(?) kwrite part. The ArgHintWidget for example is only available
for this part.
AFAIK is the new KTextEditor interface not intergrated in Gideon yet and I
think that should be done ASAP before integrating code completion
functionality because with the new interface the ArgHintWidget comes along, too.


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