TODO list (again)

Roland Krause rokrau at
Thu Feb 28 19:26:02 UTC 2002

So, I summarize:

1 Feature:   Make for directories                  Roland, DONE
2 BugFix:    When KDevelop is minimized while      Falk, DONE
             running a make it will
             deiconize every time a file has 
             compiled succesfully
3 BugFix:    Fix browser font selection            Jens, Falk,
                                                   patch sent

4 Feature:   Allow for removal of                  still not likely
             directories from the project          to happen

5 Feature:   Make ctags command configurable       Roland, pending

6 Bug:       Crash on open project, only KDE-2     Walter, not
             according to mail from W.Joss         reproducable
                                                   evtl. KHTML bug

7 Bug:       Crash on closing KDevelop             Falk,Walter
             really hard to reproduce              pending

8 Bug        Updating the documentView             Walter, Falk

9 Feature    updateMakefileAm() patch              Walter

Anyone else? Keep 'em coming folks. 
Roberto, is there anything in the queue for code completion? 


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