Qt C++ Code Completion Features

Thomas Schilling snuffeler at gmx.net
Wed Feb 13 12:08:03 UTC 2002

> that means we need a persistent classstore - that's a lot of
> work: any volunteers ?

I'm working on a new class store. We need extensions for
many things: templates, usings, typedefs, partly incremental
parsing, dependencies(=#includes), preprocessor macros, ...)

Because I couldn't run the current class store standalone
and i more or less disliked it's design I started to write an own
one for my new classparser. It's currently in work.

I asked Daniel Engelschalt and Victor for taking a look at it
and make it persistant.

> maybe i should include a config option: 
> additional classes in classview (takes long on startup)
>  [ ] qt classes
>  [ ] kde classes


This happens ONCE. After scanning it's persistant. Then we only
ask a database.

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