Bug#37870: Create new C++ project in kdevelop

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at gmx.at
Sun Feb 10 16:46:02 UTC 2002

Wolfgang Müller wrote:
> I have the same problems as Wolfgang Balzer, however, I need a recent
> automake/autoconf etc. for making my package work, and I would find it a pity
> if I need to maintain 2 automake installs. So I would be glad if someone
> points me to a real fix. If I read things the right way, there is one for
> kdevelop 2 (this is why that works at my place). However; gideon does not
> contain this fix.

get a new version from cvs (KDE_2_2_BRANCH) or a snapshot of 
kdevelop 2.1 -- it is fixed there


August Hörandl                  You step in the stream,
august.hoerandl at gmx.at          but the water has moved on.
                                This page is not here.
                                -- Cass Whittington

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