Bug#37870: Create new C++ project in kdevelop

Wolfgang Müller muellerw at free.fr
Fri Feb 8 18:45:05 UTC 2002

> Hi Wolfang,
> If you're using SuSE 7.3 I don't think this is a problem with
> KDevelop. SuSE ships the wrong autoconf package with 7.3.
> You can download the correct package from the SuSE server.
> -> http://sdb.suse.de/en/sdb/html/kdevelop_autoconf_73.html
> After the "update" everything works fine here, at the begining i
> had the same problem.
> You need the old package for compling more complex KDE-Apps, too.
> regards
> Joerg
Hi, Jörg,

Thank you very much.

I have the same problems as Wolfgang Balzer, however, I need a recent 
automake/autoconf etc. for making my package work, and I would find it a pity 
if I need to maintain 2 automake installs. So I would be glad if someone 
points me to a real fix. If I read things the right way, there is one for 
kdevelop 2 (this is why that works at my place). However; gideon does not 
contain this fix.

Could someone point me to which file to fix in gideon, and in which file to 
look in kdevelop 2 to get inspired? As a return I would gladly post the 


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