New subscriber...

thibs thibs at
Tue Feb 5 14:15:05 UTC 2002


I just subscribed to your ML, here are just a few words to introduce myself : 
My name is Thibauld Favre (thibs) and I'm a student in Computer Science at 
INSA de Lyon (french engineer school).

Although I don't have a lot of time to give to the kdevelop project, I feel 
like helping the kdevelop developpement. I'm completely new to kde 
programming, and I started a little test project the other day. I found a 
useful tutorial on the site dealing with kdevelop/QtDesigner 

When I was done with the tutorial, I immediatly thought that we could better 
integrate QtDesigner and kdevelop. Indeed, something like : if you click on a 
button in QTD and that this button is already connected to a slot, then it 
brings you to the implementation of this slot (in kdevelop). 
One of the first step would be to avoid to manually process the ui file when 
you're done with QTD. Also, it would automatically create a class that 
implement the class generated by QTD...

OK, I'm maybe not familiar enough with QTD and KDevelop to talk about this 
stuff, but, do you think it would be possible ? Is it done somewhere already 
(kdv 3.0) ? I would volunteer to think of the problems raised by such an 
integration... and, if possible, to make it !



P.S: KDevelop 1.2 is used in my engineer school. Every C++ lab during the 
first year is done on a Red Hat 5.2 (or 6.2 I don't remember), with kdevelop 
1.2. But the projects realized are only command-line projects, no QT/KDE lib 
at all...

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