[PATCH] KTabZoomFrame

Dominic Battre dominic.battre at web.de
Mon Dec 23 23:05:05 UTC 2002


This patch contains 2 tiny changes:

1) It decreases the minimum width of a KTabZoomWidget to 175 pixel. I think with a resolution of 1024x768 the smaller widgets are better if you want to dock them.

2) It enables the close button of the KTabZoomWidget if the widget is docked. You were able to close the widget before even though it was docked by clicking on the border thing. I think it more convenient to use the button as you don't have to move the mouse to the very left border of the window.

When navigating through source code I like using the mouse. Afaik there is no convenient way to close a file with the mouse. What do you think about a context menu for the tab-labels or a [x]-button like in mozilla? The tabbing feature of the new konqueror provides something like that.

Ent- oder weder? Nein! Wer den nicht kauft, der platzt vor Neid: 
M E D I O N - PC P4 2.4 kompl. nur 969,- http://www.mempag.de/xmas3.php
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