qmake / trollproject problems, some other bugs

Jakob Simon-Gaarde jsgaarde at tdcspace.dk
Sat Dec 7 00:37:02 UTC 2002

> 1. the upper listview in the QMake Manager that shows the directory
>    tree does not work properly if the project name and the project
>    directory have different names (just try it with projecname : test,
>    project directory : $HOME/testxxx).
I saw somebody made a patch for this. I'll test it and plug it in to CVS.

> 2. building the binary works, however executing the binary with the 
>    run button in the qmake manager or the Execute Program Menu Item 
>    in the Build Menu results the following error message : 
>  cd /home/andy/test &&
>  /bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
I haven't quite decided yet if the execute button in the qmake manager should 
be pulled out. If not I will remake it soon.
"Execute Program" or "Run" from the menu works after you have set up the "Run 
options" in the "Project options" dialog. Also I have altered the appwizard 
qmake applications so this is set up automatically.

> 3. For some reason i have two "Close Ctrl+W" Menu Entries in the 
>    File menu. One of these close menu item works and removed the
>    tab properly. the other one just removes the content in the 
>    text field of the tab. the tab is not removed.
I only have one. where are they located? Anybody else experienced this?

> 4. load file in editor and reformat the source (Edit->Reformat Source).
>    after reformating the source the syntax highlighing is off. when 
>    saving the reformatted source file the syntax is highlighted again.
This doesn't seem to happen here either (sorry). Anybody else experienced 

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