IDEAl mode question

Sebastian Kratzert sebastian.kratzert at
Thu Dec 5 14:20:05 UTC 2002

On Thursday 05 December 2002 08:53, Victor Röder wrote:

> Hi,
> >Can someone explain to me why the ideal mode parts have a "hide button"
> > (which deactivates that current part) that is disabled when the part is
> > docked, yet you can still hide the part by clicking on the button with
> > its name...
> >
> >Seems like making this button disabled is unnecessary, and perhaps even
> > having it at all is unnecessary.
> The "original" IDEA mode handles its side (left, bottom, right) panels
> as following:
> * In undocked mode you can 1) DOCK and 2) HIDE
> * In docked mode you can 3) UNDOCK, 4) AUTO HIDE and 5) HIDE
> In undocked mode the panels automatically disappear if they have lost
> their focus.

Would be nice if they would do it ;)
At least for me they don't disappear if they have lost their focus, but i 
remember that there was such a behavior in the past.
Could it be a qt-version issue? I have qt-3.1.

> In docked mode its the same excepting 4) AUTO HIDE  is disabled.
> If (while have a docked panel1 with "4) AUTO HIDE disabled" opened)
> another panel2 from the same side opens which state is 3) UNDOCKED it
> overlaps the currently opened panel1.
> If panel1 has 4) AUTO HIDE enabled and panel2 opens panel1 disappears
> and panel2 raises up.
> That's it :-). And it is very usefull that way. Maybe we should have a
> look at Kate's side tab button bar which is IMHO a crib of VS.NET :-).
> In VS.NET a panel opens if you get with the mouse cursor over its button
> in the tab bar.
> If someone is just extending the IDEAL mode, he/she should do this way,
> please. Otherwise I'll do it some day :-).
> Bye,
>     Victor


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