Newbie: would like to help...

Clynt clynt at
Thu Aug 22 20:52:03 UTC 2002


Having hung around for a little while, checked out the sources, and generally 
had a look round, I'd like to help. However, im a bit of a newbie at this 
whole business (by that I mean actually *contributing* to any sort of 
open-source development) and have issues/questions/problems;

1) help where help is needed: i'd initially like to begin by bugfixing. I 
have checked out sources from the KDE_2_2_BRANCH,  is this the right thing 
to be bugfixing on? Is my help better spent elsewhere? I am running KDE 2.2.2 
on Mandrake 8.2

2) Am I welcome to help? Or would you rather I cut my patching-teeth 
somewhere else? Anyone willing to give me an introductory tutorial or point 
me toward one on the web so that I dont screw up?

Anyhow, thanks for anyones time, and I expect i'll need help on generating 
patches before long... :)

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