Gideon CVS 2002-08-09 : 3 crashes and a patch

Ludovic LANGE ludovic.lange at
Sat Aug 10 00:27:05 UTC 2002

Hello All,

I used to develop a little with Gideon a few months ago, and it seemed 
to be usable with Kde2 or Kde3. ( I love gideon, especially the 
autoproject ! This is a key feature ! )
Since then, I have (among other things) upgraded my RedHat distribution, 
my Qt version and my Kde version.

It seems that I have crashes using gideon which are difficult to live 
with (especially one).

The first one and the second one (first two attachments) occurs when I 
close Gideon, when no project is loaded. It crashes in QextMdiMainFrm, 
and whatever the UI choosen.
These ones are not very annoying.

The annoying one (third attachment) occurs whenever gideon tries to save 
a project (close project, or close gideon). It crashes when trying to 
write the project file, and without triggering KDE Crash Monitor.
The file is created with a size of 0.
I've put some debug messages in projectmanager.cpp, and I've run 
(slowly) gideon under gdb to see where the crash occurs, and it seems to 
be in the libc (chunk_alloc for this crash, and chunk_free for the others).

I'm puzzled.... Any idea ? Could it be a bug in the libc ? How could I 
narrow this bug ?

Platform :
Pentium II 400MHz, 256 Mo
RedHat 7.3 'up2date' (was yesterday)
Qt 3.0.5 (RedHat's rawhide RPM qt-3.0.5-3, that I recompiled using 
--target=i686-redhat-linux )
KDE 3.0.2 (RedHat's rawhide RPM kde-3.0.2-[2|3], that I recompiled using 
--target=i686-redhat-linux )
Gideon CVS 2002-08-09 (compiled without --target=i686.... )
RPM glibc-2.2.5-37
RPM gcc-2.96-112
my CFLAGS : "-O9 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -malign-double 
-mcpu=pentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions 

Thank you for any tips.

PS - Btw, I wasn't able to compile without patching all the UI files 
that used KDE widgets. (patch attached) I don't really know a thing 
about 'uic' and the file format, but it did the trick for me. How you 
guys do for the compilation ? Does your 'uic' know about KDE widgets, 
and generate the right 'include' statement ? What's missing in my 
installation ?
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