BUG: kdevelop 2.1 - wrong path for new file

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at gmx.at
Sat Apr 20 20:34:02 UTC 2002

how to reproduce:
 open a project with a subdirectory
 in the classview: select subdir, right click and select "new file"
 the dialog displays only the subdir as the path and the creation of 
 the files fails

fix (KDE_2_2_BRANCH):

Index: cclassview.cpp
RCS file: /home/kde/kdevelop/kdevelop/cclassview.cpp,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -3 -p -c -r1. cclassview.cpp
*** cclassview.cpp      2002/04/03 15:27:19
--- cclassview.cpp      2002/04/20 18:17:45
*************** void CClassView::slotFileNew()
*** 1207,1213 ****
          dir = cur->text(0) + ("/" + dir);
          cur = cur->parent();
!       emit selectedFileNew(dir);
--- 1207,1213 ----
          dir = cur->text(0) + ("/" + dir);
          cur = cur->parent();
!       emit selectedFileNew(project->getProjectDir() +
project->getSubDir() + dir);

- is it okay to apply this bugfix for KDE_2_2_BRANCH ?
- any other cvs branches to consider ?


     (~._.~)    August Hörandl
     _( Y )_
    ()_~*~_()   august.hoerandl at gmx.at

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