Invitation to IRC party

Daniel Haberkorn dhaberkorn at
Thu Oct 18 14:38:16 UTC 2001

Am Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2001 04:20 schrieben Sie:
> On Thursday 18 October 2001 02:35, you wrote:
> > > sniff++, source navigator, MS visual studio *gasp*.
> >
> > to you have the features lists of those?
> Ahem. Well, I think they do have some feature lists in their docs, but it
> wouldn't be very quick to find them. Let me look at their documentations.
> I've got all of them installed.

Do you have a newer version than MS VS 7 beta2? If haven't i can look at this 
new IDE from the Redmonder evils :-)

Do we have some place where to put screenshots and/or docu? Do we need this? 
Is it legal?

Let's make a market research :-)

"$HOME isn't a directory, its a feeling"

ICQ# 45036764

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