Newbie question.
William DeVore
quartz13163 at
Mon Nov 26 00:52:53 UTC 2001
Thanks Ralf,
I tried the channel the other night, but wasn't to
successful at getting any help that night.
Here is the problem. I create a kde-normal app using
Kdevelop. I add one Toolbar doing the following to the
xml .rc file:
<ToolBar name="dialogsToolBar" fullwith="false"
newline="true" ><text>Dialogs Tool Bar</text>
<Action name="objectdlg" group="dlgs"/>
I then add a KToggleAction object in the initActions
section of the app object with an accelerator key
"CTRL+Key_T", as follows:
kta = new KToggleAction( i18n("Objects Dialog") ,
QIconSet(QPixmap("pixmaps/objectdlg.xpm")), CTRL+Key_T
, this, SLOT(slotObjToolShowHide()),
I see the toolbar with the button and the mouse works
with it however I can't acces it with the accelerator
I looked at the KCalc app, because it used accelerator
keys and i wanted to understand what i was doing
wrong. I noticed it used the QAccel object. So i used
it too, as follows:
QAccel* ptrAccel = new QAccel( this );
And this works!
Should I be doing something extra with KToggleAction?
I don't think I should be using QAccel. I thought
KToggleAction was suppose to hook everything up for
I have seen other methods used, such as "plug". Would
anyone know what I am NOT doing when using the
KToggleAction object. Perhaps I am leaving out a step.
--- Ralf Nolden <nolden at> wrote:
> On Thursday, 22. November 2001 03:19, you wrote:
> Please log onto with an IRC client and
> /join #kde. There's all
> the other KDE programmers as well who'll for sure
> give you a helping hand
> online.
> Ralf
> > I have a question on using Accelerator key with my
> > app. Would anyone like to take a moment and help
> me?
> >
> > I would appreciate it. Thanks.
> >
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