RFC: classviewerwas Re: AutoComplete

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at gmx.at
Sun Nov 25 16:59:31 UTC 2001

Hi again,

"F at lk Brettschneider" wrote:
> > 1) how to get a list of all classes in the library (qt and
> >  kde)
> Sending the classparser to their directories?
> We're looking forward to your cool patches. :)

ok - you have asked for it ;-)

it is a "new" classview  - but only just a hack, there is a lot
of work todo - not for primetime (or cvs) now

done: it adds all qt + kde classes to the classview

  - everthing is sorted now
  - two top folders: Project, Libaries
  - ui files: corresponding .h file is included (config via bool flag)

  - the whole stuff should be moved to a better place
  - config options should be used
    - config dialog (which libs ...)
    - context menu entries
  - its a big mess
  - its to slow
  - fix copyright

if have uploaded it to my homepage:

any comments are welcome - if anybody likes it, i will do the some of
things on the todo list ;-)


ps: the classparser seems to have little problems with some files, there
are is a lot of output during parse

August Hörandl                  Printer not ready.
august.hoerandl at gmx.at          Could be a fatal error.
                                Have a pen handy?
                                --Pat Davis

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