Moved the edit_infos stuff from CKDevelop to DocViewMan

Christian Couder christian.couder at
Mon Mar 19 13:01:53 UTC 2001

Falk Brettschneider wrote:
> Hi,
> Christian Couder wrote:
> >
> > I had a closer look at the DocViewNode struct and, while we are at it,
> > I'd like to ask if we could also just drop the DocViewNode struct and
> > only have a "QList<QObject> m_documentList;" member in the DocViewMan
> > class.
> I don't understand. If you only have this list, for instance how will you know which views are belong to a
> document? Can you give me an example?

In the KWriteDoc class there is the following member:

    QList<KWriteView> views;

so a given KWriteDoc can have access to its views.

If we add a few methods to the KWriteDoc class we could easily have
access to these views from the DocViewMan.

For example in the DocViewMan we could use
"m_documentList.first()->getFirstView()" to get the first view of the
first document.

> OK, if you do it, it'll be completely different from what I've implemented.
> Well, I will be off (due the CeBIT fair) from today until Monday. So you have 1 week to make it all work, and
> I cannot grumble about things. ;-)
> I'll see on Sunday what you've done...

Ok, have fun at the CeBIT !

> P.S.: A hint: Keep the CKDevelop-slots outside of DocViewMan. Use an extra class (using DocViewMan) for those
> slots.

I probably won't change the ckdevelop before you come back.


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