starting to feature MDI

Falk Brettschneider gigafalk at
Tue Mar 6 07:22:47 UTC 2001


John Birch wrote:

> Hmmm yes, but both kwrite and qextmdi will always be loaded so what have we
> really gained given that print and dbg are smallish. Also is that with or
> without debug.

I think it's very unprofessional to always link 13MB even if only one tiny single cpp file has changed in
KDevelop. My CPU and memory are really hassled! ;) Now (with the split of code in several libraries) I only
link what is really necessary. Changing a piece of cpp code doesn't become a pain any more.

> > MDI is initally built in but is just committed to give you a chance to
> > contribute the development (as we dealed with JBB and Ralf). Take a look
> > at class DocViewMan, the central point for managing multiple documents
> > that can have multiple views.
> > CKDevelop::initView() and CKDevelop::switchToFile has initially changed,
> > but is very unfinished, of course.
> >
> > I rebuild the kdevelop.kdevprj by the .kdevprj-file generator from
> > KDevelop-1.4. (Works beaut BTW :-)
> Arrrgh - no - You were supposed to add qextmdi to the _existing_ kdevprj file.

The existing *.kdevprj file is very very restricted for the reasons listed below... :(

> This has made the project file a custom file and it can not now recreated the
> makefiles, so adding new files etc has to be done by hand. Also why did you
> create the libkdevelop* names? This again means that the makefiles cannot be
> regenerated.

1.) The old kdevelop.kdevprj restricts to use library names having the _same_ name as the source subdir. :-(
This means we would get:,,, ... which does not guarantee that we wouldn't get naming conflicts
with other KDE libraries also being located in $KDEDIR/lib. (At least With the prefix
libkdevelop* we simply avoid that.
2.) The old kdevelop.kdevprj does not support such subdir structures like qextmdi/include, qextmdi/src,
qextmdi/res. :-(
3.) It seems there's no possibility to configure the subprojects. Only a change from static to dynamic and
vice versa seems to be supported. :-( Some projects can need extra settings - where do I set them in such a

> It'll be good to fix this up so that we can use kdevelop to generate the
> makefiles.

It was 3:00am when I finished. 8o) Now, it's 7:30am and I'm already at work again. ;)
I think I'll have a free day this day..., sorry

> One other thing, why have you used libkdevelopqextmdi rather than an
> installed libqextmdi, if it exists? I don't know _how_ that would be done
> btw, Just asking...

As long as KDevelop uses a copy of the QextMDI code which is a cvs version between some version numbers, I
cannot guarantee that the official QextMDI version (1.0 or 2.0) for instance provided by SuSE-7.1 is
But if I restricted the QextMDI copy to official version numbers, I would call it then
(because -DNO_KDE isn't set)

> Anyway - Good job :-)

Thanks. :-)
Study the DocViewMan. 80 percent of MDI happens there.

> jbb

F at lk

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