[patch] enable/disable bell
Sami Liedes
smliedes at mail.student.oulu.fi
Thu Mar 1 02:07:57 UTC 2001
I wrote a tiny patch to the KDevelop 1.4 setup dialog to include a "Enable
bell" checkbox, ticked by default. When unticked, KDevelop shouldn't beep.
I don't know if this is needed - and yes, I know about xset b off, but I
didn't want to disable the bell globally (i.e. for all X11 applications).
In any case, I uploaded the patch to
fara.cs.uni-potsdam.de/incoming/kdevelop-1.4-final-nobell.patch.gz .
I know the "Startup" box isn't the correct place for this option, but I
couldn't find a better one nor could probably add one without some more
visible GUI changes. Perhaps you know better than I where to put it.
Sami Liedes
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