...and one suggestion

Roland Krause rokrau at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 7 13:23:29 UTC 2001

--- "F at lk Brettschneider" <gigafalk at yahoo.com> wrote:
> That's not the fix of the actual problem.

Yes, i agree, but it still makes sense in my opinion. 

> I cannot reproduce this here, it's likely an event timing problem. (I
> should downgrade to a slower computer... ;)
> Please, check if the KWriteDoc already passed the destructor and send
> me
> the backtrace at the destructor breakpoint and the backtrace of the
> crash.
I can check for whether KWriteDoc has been destructed, can I? How would
I do that? The problem is that the crash is not really reproducable.
I'll send a backtrace next time. 


> Ciao,
> Falk
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Roland Krause
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