RPM Part for KDevelop 3.0

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 20 15:39:19 UTC 2001

	I am porting my RPM support from KDevelop 1.4 to 3.0 but I have some 
questions.  Should I limit this part to just the RPM or should I make this a 
full project packaging and distribution part.

What I was thinking is a part that will create a tgz, rpm and srpm (and maby 
dpkg on a debian system)  along with a html web page that provides 
information on the project.  This would enable someone to then upload this 
directory containing the source, packages and html information to a web 
server for easier distribution.   I have also been kicking around a project 
publishing method that would notify apps.kde.com when this was all published 
to a web site.

My thinking here is I want to make it very easy and convienent for first time 
developers to get there software into KDE and get exposure to the community. 
 I feel KDevelop allows developers to get started on the KDE platform.  I 
think it is natural that we should make extentions to help users get there 
work noticed.

This is all ideas now, but I am looking for opinions and other ideas so that 
I can make a feature that is useful to people other than me :)

-ian reinhart geiser
Fortune for the day:
I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
Ian Reinhart Geiser   -=<*>=-  Linux & KDE Developer

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