am_edit problem (was Re: automake 1.5 breakage)

W. Tasin tasin at
Fri Dec 28 11:23:05 UTC 2001

Eray Ozkural (exa) wrote:

>Just to let you know that automake 1.5 breaks gideon build at 
>parts/doctreeview. Everything is great with 1.4.
>I have absolutely no idea how to fix that. Could an automake guru have a look 
>at it?
>It fails to find a temporary dependency file (.TPlo or something like that) 
>for the htdigindex.cpp IIRC.
I had a look at it:
AFAIS the problem is in am_edit, due to the fact that automake 1.5 uses 
now the variable
@AMDEPBACKSLASH@ inside for later substitution to '\\' 
(escape char for continuation of lines).

am_edit knows only the '\\' and doesn't know @AMDEPBACKSLASH at .

I did a patch for am_edit, but I don't know if this is way am_edit shall 
handle this problem, so please could someone of the am_edit maintainer 
(e.g. Stephan Kulow, the current one) have a look at the patch?!



BTW: The patch is a little bit exaggerated, because it handles the 
@AMDEPBACKSLASH@ in every case of occurrence, even on positions it 
shouldn't occur.

The KDevelop project: tasin at []
oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
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