Plugins mean extensibility (Re: Kate part in KDevelop-2 working)

Roland Krause rokrau at
Sat Dec 15 23:38:04 UTC 2001

I've looked into it, we can get a kate editor part in a few hours work,
but then what are we going to do with the old texteditor interface that
we have? Aer we going to dismiss that in favor of what the new
KTextEditor interface in KDE-3 is going to be. Also this means to part
from KDE-2.2.2 since the kate part doesnt exist there. 

Then the MDI stuff, that really needs some design work first. Let me
try, I am recompiling kdelibs and kdebase now and that's gonna take me
until tomorrow at least, then I'll have to update my gideon and give it
a shot. 

Nevertheless, help is greatly appreciated. 


--- Sandy Meier <smeier at> wrote:
> As I already said before we need only "one" feature to release a
> first cool 
> preview version of Gideon. Ok,you know it: it is the GUI. :-) If we
> implement 
> something like the KDevelop 2 interface we can go public. Roland do
> you have 
> the time to implement it in the next weeks or should someone help
> with it?
> Ciao!
> Sandy, who have much time in the next days

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