SuSE 7.3 rpm with old templates...

W. Tasin tasin at
Fri Dec 14 21:24:02 UTC 2001


There is a new release of kdevelop-2.0.2 rpms 
(kdevelop-2.0.2-2.(i386|src).rpm in the directory mentioned below, which 
contains now c_cpp_reference-2.0.1 (of course the corrected version of it).



W. Tasin wrote:
> Hi,
> fortunately I found some time to create both rpms (source & binary) for 
> SuSE 7.3 which includes the new c/c++-templates.
> You're all welcome to test them.
> Adrian feel free to use it... I made it on the base of the kdevelop.spec 
> distributed by SuSE 7.3.
> They can be found at
> Ciao
> Walter

oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
:-------W. Tasin, FB 04,
<Key-Fingerprint: 1610 835F 0080 32F4 6140  6CF7 A7D0 44CD 7961A645>

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