fileselector plugin

Sandy Meier smeier at
Tue Aug 21 13:01:25 UTC 2001

Am Dienstag, 21. August 2001 14:56 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Roland,
> thanks, as I said, I just did a fast port, so I cannot claim any
> originality. What was really cool was how fast it was possible to do the
> port, both Gideon's and Kate's code were very easy and straightforward to
> understand/port ( I'm still amazed about it ).

BTW: I think in the long run we (or the kate guys) should make a kpart from 
it so we don't need a complete copy of the  treeview in the Gideon 
sourcecode. We only need a small wrapper so it looks like a Gideon plugin or? 

> It would be nice to integrate ctags with the class parses, but my
> undestanding is that the class parser only understands C++ ( is that true ?
> ) while ctags can parse many more languages. My idea was to build on top of
> ctags initially, but it would be cool to integrate both though. Admittedly,
> I haven't looked very much at the class parser, but I believe that ctags
> support lot more languages than the class parser ( I might be wrong
> however).

At the moment we have classparsers for every supported language (C++,Java,PHP 
and so on). The ctags support and the classparsers are different plugins and 
they don't share any functionality as far as I know.


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