A final final word

Victor Röder Victor_Roeder at GMX.de
Thu Aug 9 21:43:24 UTC 2001


after reading the one and a half million mails from today, I have now the 
chance to write a response. It goes without saying that this is stuff from 
MHO (Sandy explained me the meaning so that I can use it now ;-).

The reason why I'm fascinated about KDevelop is the following: It's, among 
other things, responsible for the quality of developed software for mainly 
KDE. And because Sandy helps me and helps me and helps me. (BTW: Where is he? 
He was going to change something at my ArgHint and then turned offline. 
Hmpf... :-). Maybe my code knocked him out ;-).)
Now there was a break, a new beginning, a new way KDevelop should go. Hmmm, 
it's named Gideon at the moment. Gideon is prepared for future developments, 
which KDevelop2 is not. Because of architectal reasons. But saying: "Stop 
right now and develop only for Gideon" is wrong I think. Because maybe 
some additional features have to be developed and bug fixes of course. So 
that a splitted team will be unavoidable the next time. But a quarreling team 
is worse and inefficient.
One thing that bothers me about Gideon (but not really) is that there are 
working only a few persons on it and some little technical things (the first 
might be the reason for the last). But I'm not a professional developer so 
that I'm just scared to judge about them :-). Maybe others could do that if 
there were some technical disadvantages but these people are missing. 
Discussion is missing. Concerning Gideon. There was a question from Roland 
concerning the "Everything-has-to-be-a-part-or-plug-in-or-what-ever" problem. 
That reminds me of the mail Linus Torvalds mentioned in his book and written 
to Andrew Tanenbaum concering "Microkernels vs. monolithic systems". But 
that's not the reason why I'm writting. The reason is: I miss such 
discussions! Such discussions like "Gideon parts? Open source or not?". At 
the moment it seems for me that Gideon takes a minimal note. For which 
reason? It's a overdue new beginning in the history of KDevelop. I don't want 
to talk about who is wrong or right, who did badly things. To be true, it 
doesn't matter to me, because they don't affect me. 
With Gideon we have the chance to play in the first leaque of IDEs one day. 
And to become this practical is the personal goal for me. And to get this 
work, cooperating developers are needed.
I hope after KDevelop2 is ready to rumble, people will discuss the future of 
Gideon in a mailing list that was prepared for such things and maintain 
KDevelop2. Discussion is the base for a good product.

To comment the latest mails, with Led Zepplin singing "There's still time to 
change the road you're on - I hope so."

God bless you. Good night. :-)


P.S.: Is there are chance to get a new name? Instead of Gideon or KDevelop? 
Gideon says nothing about the software and KDevelop is the typical 
K[something] name. But that's marketing. And there exists no marketing in 
OSS. (joke!) My suggestion is: Panacea or better Visual Panacea. For germans: 
Panacea => Allheil-/Wundermittel.

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