branch for kdevelop
Ralf Nolden
nolden at
Thu Aug 9 08:28:42 UTC 2001
On Thursday, 9. August 2001 10:04, you wrote:
> Falk,
> if you talk about me here, you should note that the only
> reason why I put gideon into head was that I was _asked_ to do
> it. It was my understanding that this was a decission by the
> kdevelop team. Maybe this understanding was incorrect. As you
> said, I didn't work on the project before, so I didn't know
> about the infighting that was/is going on. I was just the one
> who had a fast connection and the time to do the commit ;)
See my other mail. It was that way and I think the mails at that time made
that clear. Sorry if that slipped along one's notification level :)
> But we should look forward, instead of pickering about the
> past. I once thought that the great advantage of gideon was
> that it might help avoiding the second system syndrome
> kdevelop was suffering from. Technically, it definitely does,
> but on the personal side, it doesn't.
Agreed. Now it meets the personal side again. See my other mails. One has to
do decisions for the good and I'm willing to do them and stand up for them.
> I think we should try to come over that point soon, or a lot
> of time and effort will be wasted. Unfortunately the only way
> I can think of how to achieve this would be a meeting, and I
> don't know if we can organize such a thing soon. Does anyone
> have another idea how we can get to a common base again?
We'll wait if my mails will bring any insight into the fact that we have to
be able to communicate in this project on all ends and that I don't accept
anyone to act childish in the future anymore. I've had enough with the mosfet
case of things like that and if that is introduced here, other decisions have
to be made to get working again.
We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
Ralf Nolden
nolden at
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