Fwd: Re: KDevelop editor interfaces

Cullmann Christoph crossfire at babylon2k.de
Mon Apr 23 17:14:50 UTC 2001

Am Montag, 23. April 2001 18:47 schrieben Sie:
> Am Montag 23 April 2001 18:20 schrieb Cullmann Christoph:
> > > Why no let the editor implementations create their views as children of
> > > a QWorkspace or one of Falk's MDI widgets?
> >
> > That is a doc/viewmanager ! But therefor you need a view class (k, am
> > minimun one with one funtion document() and you got it, thats all I
> > want), but I dont want a editor which starts as a external app and don'T
> > fit into the GUI, thats no integration.
> Than just make sure you set kate as your preferred editor. But just because
> you don't like emacs or vi as an editor, why should we design an interface
> that allows users to choose between kate and kate?
> And as far as I can see it, when embedding kate with my proposed interface,
> the integration will be _exactly_ the same as with yours. It will just be
> possible to also integrate editors with less functionality/integration, but
> you don't have to, if you don't want to.

I have nothing against the possibility to use emacs, vi, mcedit .............
But the standard interface should support my approach as well, and at the 
moment it doesn't. The standard shouldn't be seperated apps like emacs... The 
standard / or a possibility should be emedded parts like we all know them out 
of konqui.

Whats with that: (uhh, I make a "compromise" ;)))))

class EditorExt
  virtual bool isEmbeddable ();  // is the editor part only a embeddable part 
or a standalone app

  virtual Document *createDocument (QObject *o, char ....);  // use it to 
create a doc if embeddable, else return 0L;

  virtual Editor *createEditor (.....); // use it if it is standalone app 
(use your editor interface for doc managment)


// class only in use in embeddable mode
View  :: public QWidget

  Document *document()


Document :: .....
(like the doc described in your interface but with createView() ...... which 
are left out in the implementation if it is a standalone part.

If embeddable use the generic doc/viewmanager of kdevelop (which will provide 
a common GUI and shortcuts ,,,,), if not use the editor interface to manage 
the views. This interface would support both idea.

Comments ?


> Bye,
> Matthias.
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