another newbie question: Makefile.cvs

Ralf Nolden nolden at
Sat Apr 14 13:40:23 UTC 2001

Lorenzo Delana wrote:

> thnx,
> Lore

Hi Lore,

btw your clock is going two days ahead :-) so all your mails will be on
top of everyone's folder. could you fix that ? :-))))

Anyway, I wish everyone a happy easter. Have fun with your family
bashing on you for your pretty lame excuses to work on KDevelop over
easter - so do I :-))

Finally, even I have to admit that being myself was the best thing
that ever could have happened to me. - Le Grand Charmeur

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at
rnolden at

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