beautifying code

Falk Brettschneider gigafalk at
Thu Sep 21 05:53:09 UTC 2000


Bernd Gehrmann wrote:
> > I don't want Hungarian notation either 'cause m_lpsz... is terrible but in a
> > bigger class at least an "m_" and a "p" help me to distinguish those _many_
> > variables and to sort them out properly. In a bigger method/function I know
> > what is local and what is global.
> For that, you don't need to encode the type.
Concerning to types: Is it a compromise to you to keep the "p" for
pointers? Then I can do without any other type prefixes. :-)
Knowing about pointers or not helps a lot for editing sources, you know.

> Bernd.
  F at lk

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