Bug#10349: veeery slow program responses

Falk Brettschneider gigafalk at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 11 21:59:45 UTC 2000

dirk lentzen wrote:

> Package: kdevelop
> Version: 1.2
> Severity: grave
> Bugreport ID : 16:44,11.09.00
> Originator      : Dirk Lentzen
> E-Mail          : dl at clickware.de
> Subject : veeery slow program responses
> Error Class     : software bug
> Error Location  : Whole Application
> Priority        : high
> Bug Description ---------------------------
> The Program responds veeery slow to mouse and keyboard inputs. Latency
> times are above 5 seconds, above 10 for the context menu.
> We are a software company developing for and on Linux Platforms. The
> Application runs on a Linux Server with Amd K6 - 333 and 452 MB Ram.
> The client is a Celeron 500 / 256 MB Notebook via switched 10 MBit
> Ethernet.
> How to repeat the error -------------------
> It happens frequently, but the cause doesnt relate to processor stress,
> ktop shows a usage less than 20%.
> Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------
> We don't know any. Do you? Occasionaly it helps if i open a dialog whith
> text fields and type something. After closing the dialog it runs quick
> as any X Application.

I had the same problem as you. Somehow it has to do with the use of the
clipboard of KDE... I worked around the problem by marking any text in a
output view with the mouse. Anyhow it clears the clipboard and prevents an
overflow. Usually, the heavy CPU load happened when debugging with the
internal debugger. That time John suspected wrong data exchange between gdb
and kdevelop but we never found out the exact reason for this bug...
Anyway, I committed John's idea for fixing the bug but we don't exactly
know if it really works. At least the problem is gone on my machines. :-)

  F at lk

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