Doxygen Integration

Sandy Meier smeier at
Fri Oct 27 09:08:09 UTC 2000

On Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2000 13:10, you wrote:

> > Hi,
>     a real difference in this meaning ).
>   - include directories for PDF and/or latex/postscript/manpage output
>     (not sure about the urgence here)
>  adapt main menu, toolbar etc.
no problems with kparts. :-)

> My daily Problems:
> Who can give me write access to kdevelop's CVS or has some other
> Proposal for Code Sharing. 

Please get the KDevelop2 CVS version (
The KDevelop Component API is defined in lib/general/kdevcomponent.h and a 
good example is the grepview component (parts/grepview). An "empty" component 
can you found in parts/projectview. 
Would be really nice to have a doxygen component for KDevelop2. :-)

> There is a KDE2
> Variant for kdevelop announced, but also a kdevelop 2 tree. 
There will be a version for the KDE1 libs, but "optimized" for KDE2 
KDevelop2 will use KDE2 libs.


email: smeier at  ICQ: 27681958
the KDevelop project:
"Solange es Schlachthäuser gibt, wird es auch Schlachtfelder geben." (Leo 

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