Bug#16021: Bug adding methods with default arguments

Johannes Lochmann johannes.lochmann at chello.at
Sat Nov 25 10:10:39 UTC 2000

Package: kdevelop
Version: 1.2
Severity: normal

Bugreport ID : 10:00,25.11.00

Originator      : Johannes Lochmann
E-Mail          : johannes.lochmann at gmx.net

Subject : Bug adding methods with default arguments

Error Class     : software bug
Error Location  : I don´t know
Priority        : low
Bug Description ---------------------------

When I add a method to a class using the "add method" dialog and the 
method uses a float argument with a default argument, the header is written
correctly, but in the source file the default argument ist incorrectly
from for example 0.0 to 0::0.

How to repeat the error -------------------

Add a Method to a class using the "add method" dialog, for example:

void foo(float f=0.0)

int the header you get:

void foo(float f=0.0)

but in the source you get:

void <classname>::foo(float f=0::0){

Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------

I dont know where this comes from and do not know how to work around
other than manually correct the problem.

System Information ------------------------

KDevelop version        : 1.2
KDE version             : 2.0
QT version              : 2.1.1
OS/Distribution         : Suse 7.0
Compiler                : g++

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