Complete Manuals Book

David Sweet dsweet at
Fri May 19 18:10:18 UTC 2000

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Ralf Funken wrote:
> Hi to all,


> >1. Exclusive "Commercial Printing Rights"
> >


> Well, the exlusive rights demand is definitly inacceptable. 


> If
> however someone simply takes YOUR work and sells it, that's NOT OK for me. I
> mean, the least you can demand, is that it is obvious it's your work. If I
> understand right, that's exactly what the OPL guarantees and if you don't use
> the options A and B you give the freedom of the GPL AND prevent stealing your
> work. But I'm really not sure what to think, so I'm asking you to discuss this.

You'd want to /include/ option B to prevent people from reprinting (in paper
book form) your work and making money off of your work.  The publishers offer layout,
paper/binding, distribution of books, etc. and so option B is not unreasonable.
(I don't see the need for 'Exclusive "Commercial Printing Rights"' if one uses
option B.)

IMHO others should be encouraged to post your work on WWW and FTP sites along
with comments, criticisms, additions, errata, etc.  This is what is best for
the readers and for the content itself. 


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