missing variable PO in Makefile.am

W. Tasin tasin at e-technik.fh-muenchen.de
Thu Mar 2 13:56:02 UTC 2000

Falk Brettschneider wrote:
> Hi,
> Situation:
> On SuSE6.3, KDevelop1.1final, an AppWizard Qt2.x SDI application
> Problem:
> I don't have a clue what this error (appearing as result of
> Build->Autoconf&Automake) could mean (???):

Hi Falk,

really BAD BAD news...

> aclocal
> autoheader
> automake
> po/Makefile.am:10: variable 'POFILES' not defined
> po/Makefile.am:1: variable 'POFILES' not defined
> make: *** [all] Error 1
> *** Fehler ***

this means POFILES will not be defined inside po/Makefile.am.

KDevelop will create an entry in Makefile.am which is like:

####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########

####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (end)############

but only for KDE-Applications !!!!
Unfortunately the described error occurs only on some machines :-(

Examine this problem I came to the following conclusion:

As far as I can see there are some grave problems with the
1) Do QT really use a po directory for the translation files? (this is a
minor problem I think)

2) The binaries to create translation files for qt-application are
   findtr, msg2qm and mergetr, means we tried to use the kde way and
_not_ the qt2 way.

3) Where the qt2 translation files (and also the application!!) have to
be installed??
   We still use kde-dirs (for all qt-applications, also for qt 1)!!!

4) The translation file should also be loaded in the application

5) We should also use the QT way to name the translation files...
   means <appname>_de.po <appname>_it.po etc.

6) all QT applications are using KDE_DO_IT_ALL... 
   this means you must have kde for developing qt-apps. :-((

This should be considered as grave BUG.



How should we handle this??!!!
First I wrote this only to developer... should I also post this to the

oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
:-------W. Tasin, FB 04,
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