Bug#17117: can't talk to klauncher

Ulrich Liesenfeld uli at bruker.de
Fri Dec 15 11:28:04 UTC 2000

Package: kdevelop
Version: 1.3
Severity: normal

Bugreport ID : 12:03,15.12.00

Originator      : Ulrich Liesenfeld
E-Mail          : uli at bruker.de

Subject : can't talk to klauncher

Error Class     : software bug
Error Location  : I don´t know
Priority        : medium
Bug Description ---------------------------

The wizard generated ''KDE2 normal'  project starts. When
clicking on ' Open File...'  an ' inernal error' is displayed:
"can't talk to klauncher"
How to repeat the error -------------------

- Create a new 'KDE2 Nornal' project with the assistant.
- Compile and link it
- Try to start with F9 -> cannot start dr.konqi
- Start from command line
-   Click on 'Open File...' -> "Can't talk to klauncher"

Bugfix or Workaround ----------------------

System Information ------------------------

KDevelop version        : 1.3
KDE version             : 2.0.1
QT version              : 2.2.2
OS/Distribution         : SuSE 7.0
Compiler                : g++ 2.95.2

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