kdevelop 2

Richard Moore rich at ipso-facto.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Dec 2 02:13:52 UTC 2000

John Birch wrote:
> > *also* made clear that this is a dead end version, but I thought it´s
> > worth including it with KDE 2.1 so we have more time to work on 2.0
> > until spring or summer.
> Is it 2.1 now? I thought it was 2.0.1. I get sooo confused, I'll just
> remember its b4 christmas. Mark your calendar, and tell me when I've only got
> a week left to finish it :-)

2.0.1 is an update that includes more translations and critical bug
2.1 includes feature additions as well as bug fixes. The port should be
of 2.1, but not part of 2.0.1.


> What shall we do about cvs? A new branch? tag? or...?
> jbb
> PS I've just uploaded
> ftp://fara.cs.uni-potsdam.de/incoming/kdevelop1.3.port.patch1.gz
> As always with released stuff, its out-of-date :-)
> -
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     Richard Moore		rich at ipso-facto.freeserve.co.uk
http://www.macromedia.com/	rjmoore at macromedia.com
http://developer.kde.org/	rich at kde.org

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