KAppWizard / Problem with templates

Robert Vasko rvasko at pobox.sk
Thu Aug 31 08:50:08 UTC 2000


Program             : Kdevelop 1.2
KDE Version         : KDE 1.92 (KDE 2.0 Beta 3)
QT Version          : Qt 2.2.0
Compiler            : egcs 1.99.66 (or similar)
Autoconf / Automake : All latest versions
OS / Distribution   : Linux /Redhat


I think that

I need a new "KDE/QT SDI/MDI 2" templates for my libraries.
I gave this error message for KDE 2.0 MDI and KDE 2.0 project:
In void |APPNAME|app:slotFileQuit()
    KTMainWindow* w;
    for(w-memberList();w!=0; \    //
          w=memberList->first()) // In this line is ERRMSG
   ERRMSG: type `KTMainWindow' is not base type for type \

SO, for KDE 2.0 MDI I chaged w to KMainWindow 
and It works but Program crash on exit.

I'havent problem compiling QT 2.0 MDI project, but when I run
`Program'(= ./qt2mdi) I have this ERRMSG:

[bash]$./qt2mdi error in loading shared libraries: ./qt2mdi
undefined symbol: translate __C12QApplicationPCcN21

// This ignore ! (2 lines) 
Also I wanted compile some of "KDE 2.0 Tutorial" programs from 
developer.kde.org, but link process failed. (needed link also -lqk)

Is it possible create a new templates  for Qt 2.2.0 and latest 
KDElibs snapshots ?
If yes, please upload to your ftp archive.

Sinclerery Yours

Robert Vasko <rvasko at pobox.sk> 

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