Wishlist items

Sandy Meier smeier at kdevelop.org
Fri Aug 11 15:58:40 UTC 2000

Am Thu, 10 Aug 2000 schrieb michael.opel at sdm.de:
> My whishlist is very small:
> 1) remove bunch of bugs out of the source item tree - navigation at the moment is very bad
> 2) Provide another way of browsing like Visual Age (packages-classes-methods, in C++
>     terms: namespaces/projects-classes-methods). We don't like the tree view very much
>     - in addition because of bugs it isn't very reliable.
> I don't vote for high sophisticated new features before basic stuff is good enough ! Please
> improve navigation techniques instead !

Hi Michael!

Thanks for your email. We will think about it and hopefully fulfil some of your


email: smeier at kdevelop.org  ICQ: 27681958
the KDevelop project: http://www.kdevelop.org
offline/vacation from: 18.8.2000-4.9.2000

---------Ertrus faellt nicht!------------

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