drag and drop to move an email in Kontact

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Wed Aug 9 12:59:18 BST 2023

On Mittwoch, 9. August 2023 13:16:55 CEST Ianseeks wrote:
> I've got a problem in Kontact with moving an email to another folder using
> drag and drop.
> My layout has the sidebar with all the elements of Kontact on the left and
> then next to that i have the folder structure (with a left-right scrollbar
> on the bottom) and then its the message
> windows.
> If i try to drag an email to another folder, the Folders scroll to the left
> (even though there is no reason to) and I can't drop it into the folder i
> want. All the Folder names are fully visible so there is no need to scroll.
> It all works fine on a different login on the same machine.
> I've tried squashing the Message window as far right as possible in case it
> thinks one of the folder names is too long
> Have i got a setting wrong that puts a scroll bar at the bottom of the
> Folders window?

It may have happened when you enabled one of the other columns in the folder 
list. You should be able to fix the problem by scrolling all the way to the 
right. Then move the mouse to the right border of the list header. The mouse 
cursor should change to the ←|→ cursor. Click and drag to the left until the 
scrollbar vanishes.

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