mail bomb

Ian Douglas ian at
Tue Apr 19 11:45:48 BST 2022

On Tuesday, 19 April 2022 02:30:51 SAST you wrote:

> One way to avoid the export/import issues is to not do it.  When I
> move to a new computer I usually do a complete copy of my home
> directory to the new machine.

I have basically done that.

Was a bit worried about getting all the hidden files.

Also, I have no idea how Akonadi works, so was trying to follow the Official 
Way and do it via export - import. To make sure I get Akonadi's database.

I actually have mail in two separate folder hierarchies (not my doing) that I 
need to merge, de-dup and then let Akonadi rescan. Kmail only shows stuff from 
one of them at a time.


Cheers, Ian

ian at
Zero 2 Infinity - The
Phone +27-21-975-7273

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