imap troubles

gene heskett gheskett at
Wed Apr 13 12:44:20 BST 2022

On Wednesday, 13 April 2022 02:51:53 EDT Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Dienstag, 12. April 2022 23:09:40 CEST gene heskett wrote:
> > My imap account at, which is an alias link to mail2world,
> > who is useing dovecot as the mail server, petered out and had zero
> > incoming after about 13:00 yesterday. Logged in with webmail, no new
> > stuff for 50 some lists I'm subbed to. Then about 17:00, akonadi
> > quit scanning for new msgs every 5 minutes, I called shentel about
> > 20:00 who claimed nothing had been changed there. I hadn't changed
> > anything, but when I pulled the kmail config open, and checked
> > receiving, and clicked on get what the server supports, its switched
> > my working config from ssl on port 995, to STARTTLS on 143.  And
> > that worked
> Yeah. I had this too with some IMAP account not too long ago. Sometimes
> first level support doesn't even know that something was changed by
> the technical support.
> > but I had to enter my passwd at shentel
> > prior to every refresh. I did that for several hours and wound up
> > rebooting, at which point kwalletd5 apparently decided to use the new
> > settings, or something like that and which I'd call a bug in
> > kwalletd5, as it should use whatever kmail hands it without forcing
> > a reboot, and its working, sorta, since. Traffic is about 10% of
> > what it normally is.
> After installing updates it is often required to restart some
> services/daemons or even to reboot because libraries used by running
> services or even the kernel have changed. If a reboot fixed the
> problem with kwallet, then the problems you had before the reboot
> could have been caused by an incompatible library. That's hardly a
> problem of kwallet.
> zypper (the package manager of openSUSE) tells me after an update which
> processes are using outdated/replaced libraries and which therefore
> should be restarted. Basically, it looks for processes that use files
> that have been deleted during the update. I don't know whether Debian
> offers something similar.
Yes it does. Premarking those that must be restarted, and optionally 
letting you add to the list, and I do that too. But I don't recall 
kwallet as ever being on that list. Thats not saying it wasn't and I 
didn't notice it. Thats certainly possible.

> Regards,
> Ingo

Well, I've got 22 hours of uptime right now but I've no clue when it will 
fail again.  Memtest86 has looked at all 32Gigs several times with no 
complaints. One lockup about 4 days ago, occured while switching to the 
workspace firefox was on and the mouse was already being moved when it 
froze mis-screen. No further response from the mouse or the keyboard and 
it took 5 pushes on the front panel reset button before it responded.

Take care and stay well Ingo.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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