Unhappy with Akonadi

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Tue Sep 28 22:39:08 BST 2021

Martin Steigerwald - 12.09.21, 17:52:14 CEST:
> I use PostgreSQL.
> Still it often enough is unbearable.
> One IMAP account that I limited from 30 to 7 days server-side by using
> "find -delete", cause Akonadi would just insist to synchronize inbox
> needlessly a lot of times, blocking deleting mails and moving mails
> in KMail for even for local maildir access for minutes and longer.

In addition to that displaying a folder with about 40000 mails is still 
very slow before KMail shows anything.

Thus I moved some 13000 mails to a different folder and waited more than 
7 minutes for that operation to complete:

[Akonadi] [Bug 443095] New: Moving mails to a different folder is very 


I really hope one day I am able to use KMail without micro managing 
things for having a performance that is at least barely bearable.

This is on a ThinkPad T14 AMD Gen 1 with AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U 8 core 
processor with hyperthreading, 32 GiB of RAM and 2TB Samsung 980 Pro 
SSD. Taking more than 7 minutes to move 13000 mails on that machine 
without even utilizing at least one full core to the maximum and without 
even using the SSD to its full capability is kind of ridiculous.

Especially when KMail is basically not usable for anything else during 
that operation.

I know every developer works on what they like. And I am grateful for 
any improvement they implement. It is not on me to tell what they should 
do. Yet I still think that it would be best to stop all feature work on 
KDEPIM and Akonadi and fix the outstanding performance and reliability 
issues first.

It is not that any of these issues are new. They are there since the 
switch of KDEPIM to be Akonadi based.


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