Akonadi with PostgreSQL 14 (was: Re: Unhappy with Akonadi)

Bjoern Bidar bjorn.bidar at thaodan.de
Sat Nov 13 02:13:03 GMT 2021

Disclaimer: I never did this with popmailboxes.
For IMAP boxes you can just delete akonadis data is .local/share/akonadi, 
switch the SQL driver in config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc to Driver=QPSQL. 
Restart Akonadi, akonadi will sync everything now and rebuild the DB.
For Pop it should be similar except that it needs to be able to fetch all 
emails again I think. I don't know how akonadi stores pop emails, so having a 
backup of all mbox files could help.

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