Fwd: Re: Akonadi server won't start

Thomas Tanghus thomas at tanghus.net
Tue Aug 17 19:06:21 BST 2021

On 17/08/2021 18:47, Jan Neuhäußer wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 17. August 2021, 18:27:27 CEST schrieb Thomas Tanghus:
>> Hi Jan,
>> Thanks for the suggestion. It seems I have mariadb installed

Apparently I can't read, because it turned out, that I had neither 
mysql-server nor mariadb-server installed. Can either of them have been 
wiped by the earlier update?

> The problem I had, was a version problem: akonadi cannot be run with
> mysql 8.x, one has to use mariadb instead (I do not know more details
> about the difference of these versions).

As the proposed version of mysql was 8.0.26, I opted to install 
mariadb-server 10.5 instead.

Akonadi still barfs though...


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