Item "255451" in collection "108" has no RID.

Thomas Tanghus thomas at
Thu May 14 10:01:50 BST 2020

On Thursday, 14 May 2020 09.59.19 CEST you wrote:
> On Thursday May 14 2020 07:02:49 Thomas Tanghus wrote:
> >No need to quit kmail. Just run `akonadictl stop` first. KMail will then
> >disable the application until akonadi is up and running again.
> I thought akonadi had to be running in for `fsck`, but maybe that's no
> longer the case. It's possible too that KMail no longer shows a
> never-ending progress bar for certain agents after restarting akonadi
> from under its feet. I find it just as practical to stop the application
> (Kontact in my case) when I do this kind of maintenance; also a good
> occasion to, erm, refresh its memory footprint.

You're right. Apologies. I remembered it differently. As lucky user of a 
fully functional Akonadi installation it's been a while since I had to mess 
with it. I have had my fair share of problems with it during the years, 

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Thomas Tanghus

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Q: Why is top posting bad?
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