Manage Sieve Scripts from Kmail

Ihor Antonov ihor at
Sun Jun 21 05:17:58 BST 2020

Hello KDE Community.

In KMail there is an interesting button to that says "Manage Sieve Scripts"
Can be found by clicking in main menu -> Settings -> Manage Sieve Scripts

(As a side note: I do have managesieve enabled on my dovecot server and it is 
confimed to be working)

The problem is that when I go there it says "No Sieve URL configured"
I can't find where I can add/configure sieve URL. 

Also if I launch separate app "Sieve Editor" I can configure a URL there, and 
then I am able browse my sieve scripts. But even after I configured sieve in 
Sieve Editor app KMail still shows "No Sieve URL configured".

It feels like integration between Sieve Editor and KMail is missing. KMai

Am I missing something? Is there a way to tell KMail what my sieve url is?

Ihor Antonov
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