kleopatra / imported cert

Martin Koller kollix at aon.at
Sat Jun 20 17:55:03 BST 2020

I have a company smartcard which I can use to decrypt mails.
But I wanted to have it working without the need to insert the card,
so I requested the certificate via email from the company
and got it (they send you the cert e.g. to be able to import it
on an Android phone where you can not insert the card).

So I imported the cert with kleopatra, however there the cert line
shows a little icon left of my name, the tooltip says "stored on Smartcard..."
and I still need to insert the card to decrypt a mail.

How does kleopatra decide where the cert is stored ?

I have already tried removing the cert from kleopatra and import
the cert again - still same result (this even without having the card inserted;
so how does kleopatra know that the cert is also on the card?)

I did the same import procedure 2 years ago (with the previous cert) and that
still works and does not show the icon/"stored on Smartcard..."
Puzzled ...
Best regards/Schöne Grüße

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad?

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\                        - against proprietary attachments

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