kmail has messed up the email accounts

Werner Joss werner at
Mon Jun 1 20:22:14 BST 2020

Am Montag, 1. Juni 2020, 21:02:37 CEST schrieben Sie:
> On Mon, 2020-06-01 at 16:37 +0200, Werner Joss wrote:
> > just a short note on netiquette:
> > You (test) should have noticed that almost everyone here uses a complete
> > Real 
> > Name on this rather elitary list :)
> > don't you think that after having posted a significant number of
> > questions here 
> > (and got answers to every topic) this would be approriate ?
> > 
> > Werner Joss
> > 
> > 
> I could say a lot to that ...  Just let me ask why I should find it
> appropriate to have my privacy invaded, or help anyone in invading it?  I
> don't like it when non-strangers are trying to invade it any more than when
> strangers are trying to do the same.  There is nothing appropriate about
> it.

So you really think, all the people here using their real names are silly enough to have their privacy invaded,
or do not care about their privacy ?
Not to mention all the developers like Dan Vratil here, or Linus Torvalds on LKML ?
Seriously ?

> Please consider this point of the netiquette as a relic from ancient times
> that do not exist anymore.  I do remember times when we knew at least some
> of the people we were exchanging messages with in person, and back then, it
> kinda made sense to use your name.  That was years before anyone had
> internet, and it was kinda private.  Everything changed, and internet is
> the opposite of private.  Somehow, adjusting the netiquette was forgotten,
> and now, who even remembers what a netiquette is.

This last half sentence applies for you, granted :)

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