How to refresh Kontact adressbook

Thomas Tanghus thomas at
Sat Jan 18 16:35:27 GMT 2020

On Saturday, 18 January 2020 17.25 Henk van Velden wrote:
> > I stopped Kontakt and started it again.
> Having my addresses back in Kontakt, I did change some text in one of the
> VCard files. Then tried the reload (noth methods). Nothing happens. I
> think using them is rather void taking into account that I saw the reload
> after restart mentioned earlier taking some seconds with a circular ruler
> running. Nothing of the kind when I use reload

Maybe monitoring the directory simply isn't implemented. One would think 
that they would remove the action items for it then...

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Thomas Tanghus

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
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