Mail is not sent, without warning

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at
Thu Dec 24 10:20:16 GMT 2020

On Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2020 22:43:56 CET paolo m.  wrote:
> Using dolphin-share command, file cannot be emailed, if  "confirm before
> sending" is ON, yet no warning.

I have no idea how dolphin-share works or if it uses KMail for sending files 
via email.

> Here below, my setup.
> Are unsent emails stored in any folder, to your knowledge?

KMail stores unsent emails in the local outbox folder.

> Interestìngly, during one of my attempts to email file, before turning
> "confirm before sending" OFF, my email, file attached, has been actually
> sent to a google group of mine.
> Any ideas about how such effect could have been triggered?

No idea.

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